#Camp0_Miss0_s This story began in the year 350 B.C. in Macedonia which lays in the Northern part of Hellas.\Citizens of other Greek city states such as Athens and Sparta regarded this land as rude and benighted. Macedonians considered being close to barbarians and possessed neither their Southern neighbors` riches, nor their power or culture.\It was so until Philip, father of Alexander became the king of Macedonia. By the power of the sword and the law, he made his land strong, gathering together a disciplined army. There was no commander smarter and luckier than him.\For not only did Philip defeat his enemy; he turned the defeated enemy into a loyal ally. Even barbarian chiefs, who despised Hellenes for weakness, served Macedonian king that made him even stronger...\Macedonia has become too small for Philip, so he starts planning grandiose campaigns, to glorify his land.\Philip gathers an army and sets off for Byzantion, city situated on Black Sea coast. He leaves Alexander as governor of his land.\Severe trial lies ahead of young prince: having taken advantage of king's absence, his elder relatives - stepbrother Archidai, commander of frontier post and uncle Attalus, Philip`s treasurer, with assistance of Thracian mercenaries stirred up a mutiny in Pella, capital of Macedonia. Whether Alexander is able to put the rebellion down and retain his father's rule?..
#Camp0_Miss0_f The siege of Byzantion failed. Athenians betrayed Philip and not only were absent on battlefield, but also sent reinforcement to Byzantion.\Macedonian king had to raise the siege and return home. And if it were not Alexander, Philip would have no place to return.\But the mutiny was put down and Philip saw that Alexander in spite of being too young can be a good leader, and this is one of the most important merits for the future king...
#Camp0_Miss1_s The city of Byzantion, the keeper of straits, the key to the East. Philip laid siege to the city and almost had the key in his hands, but...\Athens is not going to let Macedonians lay hands on such a treasure. Its ships has already delivered supplies to besieged port, army is on a march to strike in the enemy rear and crash Macedonian army at the walls of Byzantion.\To escape this trap, Philip raised the siege and retreated. But he wishes neither surrender, nor give up. Athens tried to stab in the back, let them try to hit in the chest! \Having made a detour the army of Philip meets enemy at Chaeronea...
#Camp0_Miss1_f ..After defeat at Chaeronea, Athens had not enough army to stand against Macedonian. Pride city has to submit to the idea that from now on the fate of Hellas is in Philip's hands. \And many, who once stood against him, soon at their free will stand under command of Philip's generals, and Alexander by right is not the last among them...
#Camp0_Miss2_s Battle at Chaeronea proved that the macedonian army doesn't have equal in Hellas. Even Athens can't come up with in Macedonia now, the strongest between the Hellenic powers. \But wise Philip the Macedonian foresees, that the main enemy of Macedonia - is beyond the borders of Hellas. This is Persia, that sees the benefits from cities of Hellas enmit, since they are weak one by one, but together they can become a force. Namely the the Persian intrigues are the reason for many wars and discords in Hellas:\Alas, but wisedom didn't help Philip to avoid death. Hired assassin reached Philip's wedding and cut the life of macedonian king. \Young Alexander becomes the ruler of Macedonia. Being aware of his father's intentions, he starts to gather forces for a campaign on Persia: the war is inevitable, so it's better to attack than to defend!...
#Camp0_Miss2_f Alexander has taken his father's place and gained a foothold of the throne. Macedonian rears are in the safe hands, army is sufficiently powerful and ready to combat. \Even wealth is enough to attract merenaries from all over Hellas to join Alexander's forces. With such a strength it is possible to step forth Persia, to start great conquests.\Go forth, Alexander the Great - what Philip didn't go well in, You will do!..
#Camp0_Miss3_s Troy. Legendary city. Place, where every warrior, and not only warrior, feels that here, right close by, just stretch a hand - the heroes from blind Homer's poems, who was able to see more distinctly than sighted were, strolled the streets and are still wandering there. \As every boy, Alexander in his childhood dreamed of their feats. \And now dreams take their stand aside the reality. Not simply Alexander, Macedonian king, will march to Persia, but Alexander the Trojan will! He starts where the heroes of Homeric "Iliad" have finished, and will go further!..
#Camp0_Miss3_f With the shield or on the shield, to win or to die - thus were the heroes of Hellas returning from campaigns.\The furious hero Achilles returned form Troy on the shield. \Alexander comes back to his army, holding Achilles' shield in his hand. \Oh, how can such a commander be fortuneless, who succeeded in greater, than the most famous hero of Homeric poem did!..
#Camp0_Miss4_s Asia Minor.\The river of Granikos.\The earth, which was left by Hellenes ancestors many centuries ago, to settle in present Hellas, is now called the province of Great Persia. Persians prefer intrigues and discords in hostile side to wars, but if the enemy nevertheless approached their threshold - they respond with weapons. And a lot of enemies inclined to these weapons, becoming nationals of Persian lord. While those who didn't inclined were cast down.\Alexander, king of Macedonia, will his army manage to overcome the power of Persian weapons? Or will you assimilate to lots of braves, who are courageous only with a weaker enemy, and will you bend to Persian deputy-satrap?
#Camp0_Miss4_f Persian satrap couldn't resist Alexander and paid his life for slipping up. \Persian sovereign himself wouldn't leave him alive: having routed the army in Asia Minor, Alexander gained an access to the Valley of Kings, road, that lead in the very heart of Persian power - to the capital of Persepolis, the center of commerce Babylon, royal residence in Susa: Darius will have to do all his best to stop Alexander after this victory. If a victorious Macedonian king agrees to stop at all.
#Camp0_Miss5_s Many weeks of continuous campaigns and battles exhausted even Alexander's army. Expecting for reinforcements, Macedonian king encamped on the border of Phrygia, in the heart of Asia Minor. In the ancient Phrygian capital, the city of Gordius, not a single strong garrison existed, and no great battle took place nearby, but the name of the city kept due to the ancient prophecy:Many years king's chariot was standing in one of the old Gordian temples, trace of which were bundled up with such cunning knot, that it couldn't be undone with a human strength. The prophecy read: the one who copes with the Gordian knot, will rule the whole Asia.
#Camp0_Miss5_f Having tuned army supply in Phrygia, Alexander gave rest to his men.\When new reinforcements arrived, Macedonian army was ready to move further. To fulfill the prophecy. Word by word, but only the sword will make Alexander the true sovereign.
#Camp0_Miss6_s Darius the Persian sovereign came into collision with the strongest enemy for all the history. Chiefs of brigands' gangs, leaders of barbarian tribes, rebellious deputies - satraps, kings of contiguous powers, - many had a bash at the wealth of Persia, on their power, but none of them has ever been successful. The sword of Alexander has cut off one third of Darius' state, and the invader isn't quite intended to stop at this! \Darius isn't about to stand these insults as well. Macedonian managed to defeat satraps, but how much he would be able to achieve against the great king's force! \This will be decided on the sands near the city of Issus.
#Camp0_Miss6_f Great persian army, colossus on the loamy legs, crumbled under the Alexander's blow. Darius, retreating, he has forsaken everything. The Immortal Guard standed up as the barrier for fleeing. Wagon train with sizable part of the treasury as well as Darius' family: son, daughter, wives felt inti Alexander's hands:\For four days Alexander's army was deviding the loots. \Meanwhile Darius rode his horse hard to Damascus, where his loyal troops were standing:
#Camp0_Miss7_s Alexander has enough power and resources to go on with his campaign. Macedonian army is strong. But Alexander`s next step is to be made on the vast expanses of mighty Persian Empire - and young king must strike fast and for sure.\Persian province Phoenicia rendered precious assistance to Alexander - it gave give refuge to Darius` fleet and flying columns. Until Phoenicia stays by Persian side, Macedonian king cannot continue his glorious march.\Phoenicia having no great army at its dispose, pin its hopes to fortresses it is rich in.\And the mightiest of strongholds is Tyre - precious sapphire in Persian crown, embodiment of Empire's trade power. Strong walls, heavy guard, roomy harbor and unassailable fortress on the island, former citadel of Phoenician kings.\Persian satrap of Tyre Azelmykos and Egyptian outcast Nectanebo, commander of garrison are sure that wave of Macedonian victories will break on the walls of Phoenician jewel.\Alexander thinks just the opposite.
#Camp0_Miss7_f Walls of Tyre were half destroyed and his streets were seethed in blood. Many soldiers and officers died or were missing, the ones who survived became outcasts.\The fate of once invincible fortress showed to other Phoenician city states all the power of Alexander's ire and gave them furiously to think.\\The king has not yet recovered from his wounds, while all Phoenicia was under his rule. Nearchus` ships became absolute masters of Mediterranean and banished the remnants of Persian fleet to Egypt.\To cut Darius off his ships, Alexander moves his army to the South, to borders of Pharaohs` land...
#Camp0_Miss8_s Tyre fell, proud Phoenicia bound his head to Alexander. But there still remains the last Persian bastion of West - Egypt, the Black Land, country of incredible wealth, granary of Persia. But the power of Persian dragon is not strong among the children if Nile... When occasion offers, they will not mind to change Darius for other king. If that king merits the crown of Pharaohs. Can thou Alexander, the ruler of Macedonia become such king? Prove your worth and the children of Nile will recognize you as their king.
#Camp0_Miss8_f Egypt saw the ruler both mighty and wise, which rules not only with his sword but with his mind and heart. Egypt the one it waited for since the times of great pharaohs - true king.\Thus Alexander became the ruler of Egypt.\Thus Alexandria was found, new capital for the new province of mighty Alexander`s power. Rich, glorious, open for all finds and folks, it has far outlived its founder and was considered as cresset of culture not only in Egypt but in the neighbors states. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexandrine library live in the memory of ancestors along with the name of great Macedonian king.
#Camp0_Miss9_s Alexandria grows stronger under king's hand. Egyptians witness that Alexander is not just a conqueror but a wise ruler. He deserves to be initiated into the ancient secretes of Black Land.\Priests tell the king that in the old city of Karnak there is a temple of Amen-Rah. There Alexander will find the Oracle of Amen, who can answer many questions that bother mighty king, even point at the person guilty in his father's death:
#Camp0_Miss9_f The Oracl recognized Alexander as the ruler of Egypt and answered his questions.\But while the king established his power in Egypt, Darius gathered a new army and is ready for the final and decisive battle:
#Camp0_Miss10_s While Alexander ascended the throne of Egypt, Darius gathered enormous army. All resources of giant Empire were directed to withstand Macedonian imposer. No mistakes will be done now. The field near Gaugamelas is wide enough to give space for numerous cavalry and battle chariots.\Fearless Macedonian king rushed upon the army of Darius.\Confidence in benevolence of Gods, his own strength and victory is both with Alexander and his soldiers.\Tomorrow will show if he is mistaking...
#Camp0_Miss10_f In the battle at Gaugamelas Alexander with his sword tore off from Darius` forehead the diadem of Persian kings. Darius survived in this battle but from now he cannot withstand the triumphant Macedonian.\The Persian dragon is prostrate, Alexander just have to finish him. And the new king of Persia will surely do this, in due time.\
#Camp0_Miss11_s Percepolis along with the entire Persia fell at the might of Alexander. Darius seeks shelter in province Baktra, he still hopes to withstand impudent Macedonians and show them, who is the true king of Persia. But neither soldiers nor satraps want to assist dethroned ruler... Moreover Bessus once the most solid and loyal support of Darius declares himself king.\And flying squads of Alexander in pursuit of Darius found a dead body of that, who once was the sovereign of entire Asia.
#Camp0_Miss11_f Now Alexander is the king of Persia. His enemies are defeated - great king Darius, traitor Bessus and even Scythian nomads has learned their lesson and won't poke their noses in Alexander's empire.\But Macedonian king, who has since his childhood dreamt to become sovereign of the whole Oikumene, of entire world, is going to proceed and extend the borders of his newly born empire further to East. Alexander doesn't see anything that can stop him...
#Camp0_Miss12_s In front of Alexander, the king of Hellas, Egypt and Persia lies a new land - India. Divided in numerous princedoms, this rich legendary land is a true challenge for Alexander the Conqueror.
#Camp0_Miss12_f The borderlands of Aspia ¿ Assacenes are now under Alexander`s rule, part of India is conquered. But only a part, while Porus, the king of Hydaspes, one of the mightiest sovereigns of India is not going place himself and his people at the mercy of Macedonian invaders and prepares for the battle.
#Camp0_Miss13_s King Porus has gathers enormous army and waits for the Macedonian conqueror at the border of his kingdom, near river Hydaspes. Once Darius the Persian couldn't defeat Porus, now it is time to find out if Alexander is able to do this..
#Camp0_Miss13_f Skilful maneuver granted victory to Alexander and made Indian king retreat.\Now Porus` army is exhausted, but in the city of Sangala reinforcement is waiting. Alexander faced his match, which is hard to be caught napping...
#Camp0_Miss14_s Alexander the Great defeated all of his opponents, touched Indian Ocean, but he didn`t manage to reach the end of the world. The world turned out to be too great.\Macedonian king wanted to continue his quest, but his loyal soldiers for the first time refused to follow him. "Your conquests are enough for our children and grand children ", grumbled the warriors, "have a rest king and let us rest!"\Neither persuasions, nor promises couldn`t make Macedonian army move. So Alexander had to tame his spirit and admit that he is just the king of the greatest land in the world, no less, but no more.\"Return home!" - the order is given.\Accompanied with joyous cries of tired warriors Alexander headed to Babylon, to his new capital.
#Camp0_Miss14_f Godlike Alexander with fire and sword created the greatest power in the world and hereon finished his life way. Dieing of fever mighty king said "Let the worthiest man rule after me".\But neither his children, nor his comrades were the worthiest, and after existing for several years only Alexander's empire has come apart. They have for years fought for the legacy of Alexander, but no one could win, neither of them was the strongest. \Until the day, when from the far West iron legions of Romans came...
#Camp1_Miss0_s The borders of great empire were disturbed. For its history mighty Persian kingdom got used to such nuisances, and when Macedonian army appeared at the border king Darius was neither surprised, not too worried. Even when Alexander won several battles, Darius didn't find this event outstanding and just prepared his army for the battle.\But when one of the best Persian generals Bessus couldn't crush bold Macedonians and had to retreat leaving in invaders` hands all Phoenicia, Syria and Egypt, Darius realized that decisive action are to be taken. \Mighty king called up his best generals, revised previous mistakes, gathered enormous army and personally headed the campaign against Alexander.\The battlefield near Gaugamelas shall witness all might of Persian Empire.\
#Camp1_Miss0_f Gods favour the strongest! Alexander's army is crushed, fortified camp is taken by storm.\Macedonian king retreats to the North, to his Syrian garrisons... but Darius is not intended to let his opponent go in peace. Persian dragon may sleep for years, but if he was awaken - the prey will not escape!\
#Camp1_Miss1_s Alexander retreats but his army is still ready for effective repulse. Macedonian soldiers have something to fight for but their lives, during Alexander's previous campaigns they took rich loot. They won't give up on it too easy..\Darius pursuits Alexander. He is eager to get an ultimate trophy - head of Macedonian king! Such loot is worth its weight in gold. In order to cut off enemy from supplies, Darius is ready to ravage the whole region.\Let Alexander hide behind the walls of Gordius - there are no such walls that can hold off the Persian dragon!\
#Camp1_Miss1_f Having no supplies Alexander`s army retreated to Miletus, to the coastal Ionic city states, Alexander`s old allies.\Darius is proceeding with his pursuit, the dragon has not taken its prey yet. And if he will have to follow intruder across the sea, so be it! Now the sea bases are at enemy's hands, but the situation may change: \
#Camp1_Miss2_s Darius won over all Persian lands taken by Alexander, but he is not intended to stop. The price for impudence must be paid, and nothing but Alexander's head will satisfy Persian dragon.\After suffering a defeat on land insolent Macedonian moves battlefield on sea. While his navy is still safe and Ionian ports of Miletus can serve as a firm base. Darius agrees with his opponent. Miletus is an excellent naval base, and it will serve Darius as a base for Persian fleet! Having such a perfect harbor furious dragon cat go to Hellas and catch beast in his lair. \
#Camp1_Miss2_f Miletus is in Darius` hands, Macedonian fleet took cover in numerous coves of Hellas, Persian Empire escape the threat of new evasion.\And in order to secure his land from future threats Darius is going to finish the cause of his ancestor Darius - he will concur Hellas and take care of Alexander.\
#Camp1_Miss3_s Darius won an excellent beach-head, dealt with Hellenes attack and landed part of his army.\Now when he gained control over sea and brought effective army to the enemy, it would be stupid no to seize great opportunity. Hellas is a piece of tough meat, which should be cut into parts and only then enjoyed. Strike Boiotia, capture Thebes - and Darius will have Hellas divided. And after that he will have perpetual copper of resentment - Athens, and proud Sparta, and of course Macedonia with impudent...\
#Camp1_Miss3_f Hellenes will soon be finished. Some city states recognized the power of Darius; some will do this in the immediate future either of their own free will, or persuaded by Persian army. Great Darius doesn't worry about future. But dragon must have his pray - the head of Alexander!\Woe is thee, Macedonia! \
#Camp1_Miss4_s Alexander fought Darius on the Persian land and was cast down. He fought at sea and was defeated. He tried to battle Persians on the hills of Hellas and again failed.\The last stronghold of Macedonian king, his capital Pella. Alexander will fight to the last. He has no place for retreat. \Darius knows that wounded beast is even more dangerous, but he or ready to take a chance and finish Alexander. Especially now when Persian dragon rules over the whole Hellas.\
#Camp1_Miss4_f Woe is thee, Macedonia! Where is Pella the heart of yours! Where is thy king, who promised you eternal glory! He is gone and will be gone for ever. \Persian dragon is sated and fall sleep. King Darius expanded his power, extended the borders of Persia by two more provinces and by right is called the sovereign of world.\Maybe some day another hero will come and dare to challenge him. But there is no such hero now, and Darius won't mind if such hero never appears.\
#Camp2_Miss0_s India, one of the most ancient countries of the world, has been split for ages into the great number of small princedoms, that vainly believe that they are kingdoms. For a long time small internal wars raged here, and though many understood, that the only power is in unity, no king had power enough to unite the country under his authority.\Porus, king of Hydaspes, had the possibility to achieve this and to become the king of the whole India, but the spies of the Persian ruler Darius created troubles for a long time, since Darius didn't need the united India close by. Porus in response sent his own scouts to Persia, consequently waging undeclared war.\Once Porus heard that king Darius has been dethroned by some invader from the countries of the West, rejoiced this pleasant news and forgot it for the time being.\He recollected it, when the army of Alexander appeared not far from the borders of India. \..Alexander the Great, mighty warrior, who was embodied in many legends inter vivos, conquered half of the world and intends to conquer the remains. The half of his forces in Cophen valley lay siege to the city of Peucelaotis, the second half is moving to the coasts of Ind and soon will invade Porus' lands. Indian king has no choice - the threat is too serious to commit this case to the boundary garrisons: \
#Camp2_Miss0_f King Porus as a skilled regent prepared to was and gathered a powerful army. Soon it will become necessary, Alexander's army has smashed several Porus' boundary formations by now and it doesn't look like it has been weakened by these skirmishes. \Alexander the Great is too dangerous to give fight on his own land, in case of Porus' defeat he won't be a regent any more. \
#Camp2_Miss1_s Macedonian army set up their camp near Hydaspes river, on the border of Porus' kingdom. Advanced Indian detachments blocked the ford to prevent the passing, Porus and his main army come to the aid. \Alexander is skilled and sly, he knows how not to let the enemy to advance. \Unexpected ally appeared with Porus, neighbor's king Abissar, who comprehended at last that such an enemy as Alexander has to be fought together. Is it enough to defeat Macedonian king, the victor of Persia? \
#Camp2_Miss1_f The enemy was strong, but Porus came out to be stronger. He has broken down the pressure of Macedonian army, and made Alexander to retreat. \And now wide possibilities has opened to Porus: old enemy, Persia, smashed by Alexander the Great, and a new enemy, Alexander, retreats from his army. If Porus manages to finish the wounded beast, deal with Macedonian king once and for all - the whole world will fall to his feet! \
#Camp2_Miss2_s Porus hunts for Alexander. \Macedonian king, however, hasn't been broken yet and doesn't intend to surrender. Leaving the barriers in front of the Porus' army, he retreats to the stronghold of Samarkand.\Indian king will have to do his best to achieve his goal. \Undoubtedly, the victory is worth all the efforts: if only this victory will come. \
#Camp2_Miss2_f Samarkand has fallen! The heart of central Asia, the crossroad of commercial roads - one of them will be called Great Silk Rout in future - this is a glorious loot. By all means the war has been overcome, but the strong trade and output will recompense these expenses.\However Alexander was able to escape, and Porus can't stop half-way. Macedonian king must be finished with - this is not the kind of enemy who will acknowledge his defeat: \
#Camp2_Miss3_s Alexander receded to the city of Susa, the capital of ancient Elam, where the latest forces has been quartered. The city's fortifications are strong, nevertheless it has to be captured in order not to let the Macedonian to gather his forces and switch to attack.. \The Porus' army takes the city in the hoop. Siege! Enemy will fall and the victory will be ours! \
#Camp2_Miss3_f Susa has fallen to Porus. The half of former Persia has already resigned themselves to Indian king. Alas, but Alexander could slip away with flying troops under the cover of sand-storm.\And Porus draws his attention to Babylon, the main bastion of Macedonian forces in Asia: if only he manages to capture the city till Alexander gets there, the war will come to the end quickly: \
#Camp2_Miss4_s Alexander's Asiatic capital, The Gate of God, Babylon. Porus was trying to outstrip Alexander and enter the city earlier, but had a failure - Macedonian slipped into the gates right under Indian cavalry's very nose. When the main Porus's forces had arrived, Babylon was ready to repulse. The siege will be long and grave. \But it's the last Alexander's stronghold in Asia, retreat from here means to lose all the gains, while an ambitious Macedonian will prefer to have himself quartered, than give up the idea to conquer the whole world! Concerning Porus - the end of world sovereign is too near, to abandon this possibility now, when Alexander is close by, on the edge of battering-ram!..
#Camp2_Miss4_f Babylon has fallen, Alexander the Great has been cast down. Porus - the only one left among two victorious kings, the ruler of the world and the greatest kingdom in it. \..And around the supreme kingdom, as it was around the great Persia before, as it was around every small Indian princedom, many spoilers and aggressors spin in strained waiting, willing to get their own piece of other's bag. You conquered the world, king Porus, but you can live in this world only while your hand squeezes the blad:...\
#Camp3_Miss0_s Egypt, Taa-kemt, The Black Land, one of the most ancient civilizations in the world.\Many centuries ago the power of Pharaoh land exhausted, and it became a marionette controlled by the ones which has formerly bowed down before Taa-kemt. Phoenicians, Assyrians,Persians, Hellenes ruled Egypt. Their governors and kings were inferior in their birth even to peasants of the Black land.\But there was a moment when the river of great Egyptian history could be directed to another bed. \These events took place 350 years before Common Era, when Egypt was one of satrapies-provinces of Persia. This time the great Asian Empire met severe inland crisis and strong external enemy - Macedonian power leaded by Alexander. Direct descendant of ancient Pharaohs, priest Nectanebo chose the right moment for actions and didn't miss the opportunity.\
#Camp3_Miss0_f Nectanebo took in his hands the power over Memphis the City with White Walls, the Heart of Egypt.\The country rose from its century sleep, inspired by the new ruler. Nectanebo, once being priest, is aware of king's duty. His task is to achieve prosperity and form strong army, which soon will be of use for the new pharaoh - the troops of young yet renowned Macedonian king Alexander are approaching the borders of The Black Land. And Nectanebo will face the hard choice either anew submit the grate land of pharaohs to the foreigner, or fight.
#Camp3_Miss1_s Alexander the king of Macedonia is at odds with Persia. He intends to seize Egypt and use it as a supply source for his current and future campaigns against Persia. Nectanebo wishes both rival kings the benevolence of Gods in annihilating each other. But seeing his land as an offering is not in his plans. He won`t finance this war and let neither Persian, nor Macedonian set foot on his land. Darius already got his, now it is Alexander's turn.\
#Camp3_Miss1_f Egyptians won glorious victory over Macedonians. Gods were kind to the descendant of pharaohs. But it was only the landing party, vanguard of Alexander's army. Main forces are advancing over Sinai isthmus and the Macedonian king leads them.\Neither Persian, nor Egyptian have faced such an opponent before. Is Nectanebo strong enough to defeat Alexander?\
#Camp3_Miss2_s New and extremely strong enemy, even stronger then Persians, is standing at the border of Egypt - Macedonian king Alexander the Victorious. Despite his youth he defeated many formidable opponents.\Nectanebo gathered his army but it is not strong enough to crash Macedonian veterans in field battle. Such an opponent demand different tactics, ruse will become the best weapon against Alexander...\Ruse, excellent defense and the ability to strike with precisely calculated power are the keystones to Egyptian victory.\
#Camp3_Miss2_f Nectanebo succeeded where Darius failed - he made Alexander retreat. Thus he won not only the crown of Egypt but also the fame of great commander.\But the fame only won't secure the Black Land from future invasions. The millennial history of Egypt prove that there are always ones who wish to rule over Taa-kemt.\To achieve this goal Nectanebo must take under his control not only Egypt but also boundary lands on the East, across Sinai Peninsula.\
#Camp3_Miss3_s After obtaining the absolute power over Egypt, Nekatnebo decided to confer with the Oracle - voice of God Amen-Rah. The Oracle advises pharaoh to extend the power of Egypt in orf-der to secure it from invaders. One the lands across Sinai Peninsula were a part of Taa-kemt, but Philistines - "sea folks" - distant relatives of Hellenes took those lands, they named this territory Palestine.\The time has come to return ancient possessions of Egypt. To do this Nectanebo must crush the army of new "sea folks", Hellenes and Macedonians. Alexander is not the person, who can be tamed with one defeat...\
#Camp3_Miss3_f Having defeated Alexander, Egyptians took under their control all lands up to the city Gaza. But Macedonians are not finished yet, they retreated to the East, to Jerusalem.\Naktanebo reached his goal, boundary lands are now under pharaoh's hand. But the enemy at the borders is too persistent and dangerous, it mustn't be disregarded.\
#Camp3_Miss4_s Alexander's army fortify its position on the heights at the walls of Jerusalem.\Following the words of Oracle Nectanebo doesn`t let dangerous enemy alone.\After receiving reinforcement pharaoh proceeds with his campaign. Egypt can live in peace with Hellenes, but not when they are too close, and not when they Alexander leads them. Enemy must be defeated totally or banished from the lands. Egypt must get rid of Macedonian threat.\But like the wounded beast Alexander is now even more dangerous.
#Camp3_Miss4_f Jerusalem captured. Macedonians are defeated.\All the South of Palestine, all deserts bordering upon Egypt, all caravan routs are under Egyptian control. \Nectanebo, the great ruler, commander and victor - he returned to the Black Land its former territories and glory. He by right gained his place among the grate pharaohs of the past.\Let other kings concur the world - Nectanebo needs only peace in his land. But he will rest like lion after hard deeds. And if one day some person will disturb this rest, he will witness all the power and fury of disturbed lion!